campus portal uni passau
You Will Find The “campus portal uni passau” Top Links Here. You Have To Click On The Link And Login Into The Account Using The Correct Login Details.
Das Campusportal der Universität Passau – Hochschule HIS
Das Campusportal der Universität Passau. Startseite. Aktive Registerkarte. Bewerber/innen.
Campusportal • Universität Passau –
Im Campusportal, dem Online-Bewerbungsportal der Universität Passau, können sich Studieninteressierte um einen Studienplatz bewerben und sich für einen Studiengang einschreiben.. Nach der Immatrikulation unterstützt das Campusportal die Studierenden während des gesamten Studiums.. Das Portal bietet Ihnen viele Funktionen, wie beispielsweise die Pflege Ihrer Kontaktdaten oder das …
Log in to the campus network systems • University of Passau
Digital Campus. Our well-known systems such as Stud.IP, ILIAS, HISQIS, campus portal, and many more are part of the digital campus of the University of Passau. They facilitate (online-) teaching and accompany all students through their studies. Beim Anzeigen des Videos wird Ihre IP-Adresse an einen externen Server ( gesendet.
Digital Campus • University of Passau
Digital Campus. Our well-known systems such as Stud.IP, ILIAS, HISQIS, Campusportal, and many more are part of the digital campus of the University of Passau. They facilitate (online-) teaching and accompany all students through their studies.
Current students • University of Passau
Faculties. University Library. Course catalogue. Language courses. English-taught courses. Studying as a parent. Centre for Careers and Competencies.
FAQs about applying and enrolling • University of Passau
In the campus portal of the University of Passau, you can make a maximum of three applications for master’s degree programmes. Important note regarding international qualifications: If you apply via uni-assist, you can submit only one application (for a bachelor’s or master’s degree programme) for the University of Passau.
The University of Passau • University of Passau
100 % renewable and still stable. Researchers from the University of Passau are helping to design the electricity grid of the future. As part of the project EASY-RES, they aim to equip the grid for the increasing number of small producers. Read more.
Enrolment certificates and other documents –
Using the Campus Portal you can print out your enrolment certificate, BAföG student loan certificate, confirmation of past enrolment periods certificate and your parking permit.. In addition, you can download and print out official notices (e.g. de-registration notices) from the Campus Portal. If you present these documents to external institutions or authorities, the receiving institution …
LL.M. German Law for foreign graduates • University of Passau
1st step: complete online application and print out the cover letter. Apply online using the University‘s Campus Portal.Please note that you can change the language to English using the language selector (flag s
This Is How You Can Easily Access The “campus portal uni passau”. And Use The Features That campus portal uni passau Offers On Their Portal. If You Have Issues With Login And Other Do Let Us Know In The Comment Section.